Monthly Archives: June 2015

Hanging out and waiting


No info yet.  Watching Frozen.

5 pm – drugged and waiting to go back.


Filed under Transplant

Just got the call – scheduled for 4 pm

Check in later.  Hospital just called there is an available heart.

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Filed under Transplant

Holter Monitor

Zayne is having cardiac check-ups every month.  Since it has been over 1 year, it was time to wear the Holter Monitor (basically, a 24-hr EKG).    She has experience wearing one at least once per year since she was wearing onesies.  Just because she has done it before, doesn’t mean she likes it.  At least she is getting better at wearing it and not crying.  It seems that  Zayne still has issues with the adhesives (just like Mommy and others in the family).  Hopefully, the hospital can accommodate her skin sensitivity when she goes in for her transplant.

We are still in wait mode for the transplant, and don’t know where Zayne stands on the waiting list.  We anxiously await the call ( (I really mean dread) .


Chasing a bunny

Riding bike and wearing Holter Monitor

Holter bike riding

Adhesive problems

Not comfortable and starting to blister


Zayne wants to share a couple of pics of our second brood of baby robins.  The mamma takes away the shells and the poop.

IMG_5781 IMG_5801


20150605_132320First time fishing.

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Filed under Fun, Medical Procedures