Update 4.5 hours

Zayne is coming out of the OR.  Her old heart was in bad shape and caused her to have high pulmonary pressure.  The new heart is trying to pump at a normal rate, but that could damage the new heart.  Zayne is on additional meds to help with the pressure.  She has a catheter in her heart so pressures can be read in real time.  Zayne will need to remain intubated for 24 – 36 hours to give her lungs a chance to get used to the pressure.   I haven’t seen her yet, but she will be full of tubes.  I’ll post a disturbing picture when I get to see her.  I’m sure it will be difficult.

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Filed under Transplant

One Response to Update 4.5 hours

  1. M

    Hang in there!
    Try and rest. I know! That seems impossible…..but you have faced worse challenges! We are all pulling for you two!