2nd Day with New Heart – Early Morning

It was wonderful to have a lucid conversation with Zayne at 4 am when she was feeling good.  She wanted to get out of bed and go for a walk.  She still looks like The Borg with her wires and tubes coming out of her body (especially the large, central line in her neck).  We were going to swap going downstairs for a chair in her room, but the nurse did not want to attemp without giving her some Tylenol and Oxy.  After bargening iPad time in exchange for taking medicine, she promptly fell asleep.  Zayne started out by asking for 31,000 movies, but I managed to convince her to take 1 short movie and some learning games.  I am not looking foward to having to give her multiple drugs every day.  Right now, all the blood draws (multiple each day) and most of the meds are easy, because they are just done through her existing lines and IV.


Filed under Transplant

7 Responses to 2nd Day with New Heart – Early Morning

  1. kendra

    Yay Zayne! Conversation and movies! Hope you have been able to rest too mom. You rock! Thanks for the updates!

    • dorianr

      Yes, I got a lot more sleep last night. She is no longer lucid – the oxycodone is working.

  2. bspiking

    So great to see the progress and glad you got some rest!

  3. Ms Lisa

    Good Morning Zayne and Mommy!
    You both are working so very hard. We wish you more power to continue the healing.

  4. Good to hear she was feeling feisty enough to negotiate with you!

  5. Feisty like her mama! Hope you’re both having a good day.

  6. So Happy to hear that Zayne is feeling stronger everyday. Your a Wonderful Mommy☺️