Today, June 29, marks 1 year since Zayne received her gift of life. Her new and improved heart has been beating in her chest for 1 year! She has been growing and thriving. The proof is in the numbers: in 1 year, she is over 5 inches taller and 10 pounds heavier.
Her eating has improved, but is still drinking Pediasure 1.5 to supplement her diet. For the past couple of months, we’ve been going to feeding therapy at the hospital.
This is what I was looking at 1 year ago after 5 hrs of surgery. I wondered if I would ever see Zayne again, and if her personality would remain intact. I didn’t see her first real smile until 4 days after transplant, and she was running around the hospital on the 5th day after transplant.
Zayne’s new heart is doing really well – the cardiologist just examined the inside of her heart. Last week, she had her first post transplant heart catheterization (right and left side of her heart). Having to be flat on her back and still for 4 hours was helped by sleeping through 1/2 of the time. The other 2 hours were a bit more challenging, but we managed to keep the compression bandage working. Because her heart is working well and doesn’t measure any rejection, her next cath will be in 2 years. As much as we love the hospital for giving Zayne a life, we don’t want to spend time there.
Zayne tried skiing this past year, and will be doing more next year. She just started to swim (pretty good considering she just started to get her face wet and go underwater in December). She is riding a 2 wheeled bike (no training wheels). She runs. She hikes. She throws snowballs at her mommy. She loves going on amusement park rides.