Monthly Archives: April 2020

Rejection Is A Dirty Word

Pasta for Breakfast

The day started with Zayne comfortable, alert, happy, and eager for a pasta breakfast. As usual, her eyes were much bigger than her stomach. I announced my plans for her to do a couple of school assignments during the day and to go for a walk around the ICU. However, by 9:30 she was slumped down, tired, and not talking much. We reviewed assignments,but she cannot concentrate, so opted to “read” a book that is narrated. Lesson learned – if she is happy and alert, go for a walk and do anything else that would use brain power.

Not interested in anything

While waiting for the biopsy results, we enticed Zayne to go for a walk to get a toy from the treasure box.

Treasure Box
Getting ready to walk

The biopsy results came back in the early afternoon. Not good news. In addition to the cellular rejection, she also has donor specific antibodies (DSA) attacking her heart. Another word that chills my spine – necrosis. I wasn’t prepared to hear that word when describing one of Zayne’s heart biopsy samples (out of 5).

DSA means that I got to learn about Plasmapheresis. Zayne was so scared about this procedure, that I had to lay with her in her bed and hold her hand throughout. I was in bed with her for 3 hours, because her lines clotted and had to be de-clotted – that was an extra hour. Basically, they processed 1.5 times her blood volume, replaced her plasma with albumin, and put it all back into her body. Those two PIC lines that were put in during her heart cath came in handy. She tolerated pretty well – there isn’t pain or discomfort, except for jostling the PIC and IV lines which hurts.

Watching Angry Birds while squished in the bed

The transplant doc wanted me to talk to him when I was in bed, but Zayne wouldn’t let me leave so he had to come into the room to describe a new treatment strategy that he wants to try – Eculizumab. It is a relatively new treatment for heart transplant rejection, and I think it has only been used once before at Children’s in Colorado. With other large transplant centers using this treatment, and Zayne’s heart being in such bad shape, I gave it the green light. Unfortunately, she should have a Meningitis vaccine, but doesn’t have time to get one since the treatment is beginning tonight (well, at 2 am).

I attend rounds at around 8:30 am and 11:30 pm every day. She is tachycardic and they can hear a “gallop” when listening to her heart. There is a lot of other medical talk and acronyms that I try to understand.

Zayne is exhausted and is sleeping through her “Rabbit” infusion. The night time Lasix is being withheld so she should not have to wake up to pee multiple times during the night. It is a process to get out of bed – getting unhooked from some instruments and dragging lines around for the ones that can’t get unhooked. Zayne refuses to use a bedpan.

A therapy dog came to help get Zayne ready for bed. She was so happy, and got a huge smile on her face – it was good to see.

Ralph the Therapy Dog saying goodnight to Zayne


Filed under Uncategorized

Cath Day 4/28/2020

This morning Zayne woke up alert and feeling good . However, the lack of sleep and inability to eat or drink took their toll.

It was a long wait without food or water

By the time the heart catheterization lab wheeled Zayne’s bed out of her ICU room, she was not feeling well, very hungry, thirsty, scared, and not that talkative (except when she started to cry when the team showed up to wheel her away). She was placed on Versed to make her sleepy and forget (I used to call it ‘drunk baby’), so she stopped screaming as she left her room.

Yes, I cut my own hair #CovidHair

Every catherization has its dangers, but Zayne had never had a cath when in rejection (she had never had rejection). It really came home what might happen when I was told there would be a team ready to set her up on ECMO (similar to a heart-lung bypass machine) or place her on a ventilator if things went south. Her ICU room felt very empty when she was rolled out.

Good News: The procedure went as planned
Not So Good News: There is significant rejection
Waiting News: Need to wait for biopsy results on Wednesday morning to determine a course of action.

In case the biopsy has not so good news, Zayne had 2 PIC lines placed on each arm (in addition to an IV that is working, and an attempted IV that just hurt).
If the biopsy shows antibody rejection in her heart muscle, she will probably need plasmapheresis. Plasmapheresis filters the blood and removes the harmful (along with the good) antibodies – basically take blood out of one PIC line, filter out the antibodies, and put back into her body into the other PIC line. I hope this doesn’t need to happen, because….. I don’t want to think about it, yet.

At 10 pm, the first 6-hr infusion using ATG (anti-thymocyte [rabbit] immune globulin) was done. We affectionately call this one “The Rabbit”, but it was miserable for Zayne. She was given meds to help ease the side effects, but it was still a very uncomfortable experience. She can look forward to many more of these experiences.

Last week – something obviously wrong. Can kick myself for not taking her in right then.

Zayne’s blood oxygen is dipping into the low 80s while she is asleep. The nurse just put her on Oxygen, but I have never seen her keep a cannula on her face when under the chin and against the neck is more comfortable.

Pre-Rejection Photo Gallery

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Filed under Rejection

No News Was Good News, Until It Isn’t

Well, I had been planning to post an update on how well Zayne has been doing. Riding Horses, doing Taekwondo, riding her bike, playing with her cat, exploring outside… But, I was too busy to post anything. At 1:30 am, I find I cannot sleep in the Cardiac ICU.

We are back after nearly 5 years after leaving this ICU. I couldn’t get Zayne to play outside – she was tired and sleeping more than normal. She was eating a lot less than normal. Hands and feet seemed cold and purplish, but she wouldn’t put on pants or a long sleeve shirt, and she was getting winded walking up the stairs in our house. Memories from pre-tranplant time started to flood my mind, but she was probably just sick. We have been so careful to stay out of stores and protect ourselves during the Covid Pandemic.

On Monday, April 27, we reluctantly went to the ER after conferring with a transplant nurse. Going to the hospital was not where we wanted to go during these scary times. My fears we confirmed – Zayne is in rejection and her heart is failing.

There is fluid around her heart and lungs. No wonder I couldn’t get her to eat or drink much. Her heart isn’t pumping well. Tomorrow (Tuesday), we’ll get test results back and learn what type of rejection. Heart cath and biopsy is scheduled for around 11 am.

Stay tuned.

ER – after the Covid test. Yes, they stick the swab up your nose into your brain.

Pre-Rejection Photos

Old Playground
We made matza. They made for good frisbees. Next time, roll really thin.


Filed under Rejection