We are chucking some meds and are down to only 7. Once stabilized, Zayne will only have 3 daily medications.
Thursday’s transplant clinic appointment shows no improvement since last week, but at least we didn’t see a decline. I was told that recovery could take a while. Also, blood work has stayed the same – once again, at least the bad numbers did not increase.
Zayne is already stressing over her heart catherization and next COVID test on June 8. This will be her 3rd COVID test (this test will be a 10 second swab far up her nose).
After the heart cath, she will have a 6 hr (maybe 4 hr?) Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy (IVIg) infusion to add antibodies to her system that were removed from other treatments. What is the source of the IVIg antibodies? The antibodies come from purified blood plasma donations (from people).
Good old-fashioned activities! FX for continued recovery.