Free, free, free from being tethered to a pole. Free from the nurses waking Zayne up to tell her to make her arm straight (to stop the beeeeeeping). Hopefully, tonight will be the last night in the ICU and a night without alarms and beeping. Scratch that, the beeps just started for the oxygen reading – maybe it won’t be such a quiet night. Zayne didn’t want any wires for sleep, but she still has ECG, Blood Pressure, and Oxygen being monitored.
Apparently, not many ICU patients run laps, but we did. We only did 2 laps, but that was enough for all the nurses to notice. Even our new night nurse heard about the running.
Aunt Stacy and Sasha (the dog) came to visit, so we had more time behind the bars on the patio while Zayne will still tethered.
I finally got the echo results, but there are so many parameters when I just want to view the ejection fraction. I’ll need to ask someone, because I wasn’t sure what I was viewing. I did read that there is still fluid around her heart, but the left and right effusions are gone.
Still no news on CH50. Even the new transplant doc wasn’t sure what numbers would point to needing another Eculizumab treatment.
Heart rate is still pretty high, even though it is lower from a week ago. Zayne is sleeping, and her heart rate is 123 beats per minute. Blood pressure is also high. The transplant doc told me it could take a year for her to recover. I wonder if her little heart will ever be the same.
Wednesday is another plasma exchange, but this time no Lasix. The last Lasix pill was this morning, so hopefully, we are done with Lasix.