I had been planning on a posting an update, but Zayne was hesitant. However, she has had some health issues and agreed to pick photos to post. The photos in this post have all been picked by Zayne (she is a 7th grader).
Quick Health Update: Zayne had pneumonia at the end of February, but it took 1.5 weeks to diagnose. On Easter Sunday, Zayne had potential rejection symptoms so we went to the ER. It took a few days to determine that she doesn’t have rejection, but had walking pneumonia. Once they found the correct antibiotic, she started to get better and we were expecting to be discharged. But, Zayne’s kidneys decided to protest and she went into renal failure. After a few scary days (and hearing the word “dialysis”), we were discharged after 2 weeks. Five days later Zayne was re-admitted since her heart wasn’t squeezing well and she had a lot of excess fluid.
A heart cath on Wednesday showed major and minor arteries are blocked. This is a significant downturn in just 9 months, and showed that her heart if failing. She was changed to transplant status 1B and came home on Friday with a PICC line and continual drip of heart medication.
We spent one night at home and I received a phone call during my intake session with the home healthcare nurse. It turns out that I no longer need home healthcare because Zayne received an offer for a new heart. I was still doing laundry and did not have my ‘go bag’ packed since I had only been home for 15 hours.
At 11:24 pm on Saturday, April 27, 2024 – Zayne is in the operating room to receive a new heart. The surgery may take 8 to 10 hours. A second heart transplant is more complex.
Hang strong Zane and Randy. We are all thinking of you both.