Post Transplant Day 4 – May 2, 2024: Day of Discomfort

Zayne is off the nitric gases and is just having supplemental oxygen using a regular nasal cannular. So far, she has not been able to keep any food, water or medicine in her stomach. And, she is about to be re-dosed after 11pm with a medication she threw up an hour ago. Maybe an hour will make a difference. Most of the day has consisted of stomach and chest pain. Finally, she was given her first dose of morphine and that did the trick (she didn’t throw up from it and it stopped the pain).

The equipment is slowly leaving the room. Zayne is most comfortable when sleeping.

A lot of IV issues today: one leaked and had to be removed, another could no longer be used, and a 3rd was completely pulled out (probably when the nurses were moving her on and off the bed). A new IV was placed, so we are minus two IVs.

I’m hoping Zayne can put some food into her stomach that stays. She last ate a full meal a week ago Friday. She is getting stronger each day since she was able to sit up without support and could stand on her own. PT is her new nemesis – it doesn’t help that they came to bug her right after a vomit session. Zayne was saying “NO!” and “Go Away” and “I don’t want to”, so she is being Zayne.

Tomorrow (Friday’s plan):

  • Remove one of the 3 chest tubes.
  • Replace the two remaining chest tubes’ floor repositories with bulbs that can be pinned to her gown. This means she will be able to get out of bed without a team of people.
  • Remove the Foley.
  • Daily X-ray (from the comfort of her bed)
  • Occupational Therapy (OT)
  • Physical Therapy (PT)
  • Speech (for eating and swallowing)
  • Try to eat and drink, and keep contents in stomach

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